May 3, 2006

Are you still bitching about having to park around the block from your house last night becuase the Home Owners Association sealed the courts and you couldn't drive right up to your garage doors? Or are you still whining that it's the State Highway Admins fault that you wrecked your car by exiting the parking lot by coming out the intrance and got T-Boned by a car that didn't see you and that you didn't see? Well then you are hopeless for our Soldiers are returning home some of them injured but some of them only now finding out that they have more serious problems, just like this soldier that Kat clues us into:

Y'all please pray for this soldier.
He just got back from Iraq a few months ago, and was just diagnosed with colon cancer - he's only 34! and he's in for a LONG fight, a long, long fight. His hospital address is listed on his site (he'll be there maybe a week more, so get those cards in the mail QUICK!)

Please go by and show Greg some luv... He's one of my "adopted by blog soldiers" - meaning, I never wrote to him, but I followed his website for MONTHS AND MONTHS, so still consider him to be one of my "babies." And you KNOW how I am about my babies!!!!! Please pray for greg, his wife, and their five kids!

So is your double low fat latte not up to your specs? Tough Shit! Deal with it, you could be a hero like Greg who comes home only to find out he has colon cancer...and NO it isn't because of Depleted Uranium you asshats! So get your heads out of your third point of contact and send this hero some kind words, otherwise you'll have me to deal with, and as you may have guessed, my patience is running thin today so don't push me.

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