June 15, 2006

Allen Drury – Liberal Shill

Rarely do I reply to comments in an actual post but Allen Drury’s comments on this post deserved a reply.

First Allen, how about commenting on something current, you came here and commented on a post done in April about something that is in the news now. Is this your way of getting your say without having any one else reply to your asinine comments? Wow, talk about a lack of conviction. But let’s look at what you had to say:

“To say I am sickened by the actions of these cowards wearing American uniforms who killed, among others, a 77-year-old man in a wheelchair would be a mild understatement. They are no better than the terrorists that killed a wheelchair bound Jewish man on an ocean liner many years ago. To understand that the command structure in the Marines may have attempted to cover-up the brutality of the killings is stunning and yet another sign that the modern day military is riddled with problems.”

As if this is proven to be true, it seems to me that you have already tried and convicted these Marines because you can see no good in the Military and the good you do see is from military members who leave the service after serving and seeing the destruction of war. For your information the incident in Haditha is not what you apparently seem to believe it is for a little help in your misguided vision I suggest you stop by Sweetness & Light and read the incredible investigative work and do something you obviously never thought to do before, research the topic before you speak.

“It is because of enterprising reporters who challenged a clearly bogus military report that we are able to even be aware of the murder spree these marines committed in their quest to spread democracy.”

Ah yes the infamous reporters that brought this incident to light, Tim McGirk of Time, who spend Thanksgiving living with the Taliban and loving every minute of it. I’m sure that he is a reliable source, or are you referring to budding Iraqi journalist and human-rights activist; Taher Thabet. Thabet is the founder of the Human Rights group Hammurabi Organization for Human Rights and Democracy Monitoring that is seeking to discredit the US actions in Iraq; he is of course a reliable source isn’t he.

“The small town of Haditha will be, sadly, as infamous of some scenes of savage atrocities committed in Vietnam.”

Oh God there it is…the My Lai connection. Only there is no connection, My Lai was a true crime of war, while Haditha is by all account the proper use of force while returning fire coming form homes around an IED site. If you are looking to place the blame why are you so reluctant to look at the terrorists that willing use civilians as shields knowing that when they get caught in the cross fire they can seek restitution from the US Government and use them as political pawns in their war against us.

“Pictures taken by marines will show children shot in the head, and others killed in their beds. The American public can expect, like members of Congress, to be prepared for weeks to come for the worst side of the U.S. military to be brought into their homes daily at the top of the fold in newspapers.”

And this proves what, that the Marine’s must have shot these children and women, because only Marine’s kill civilians? When Marine’s and US Soldiers go out of their way to avoid the killing of civilians and the insurgents seem to take great pride in killing civilians at every opportunity. Get a grip and start thinking Allen, your words are getting ahead of your brain. Oh and it's Marine you asshat not marine.

“I have long argued there are two types of people in the military. The minority group is better educated and career oriented. They are not soldiers for life and have an open mind about a host of issues be they political, social and philosophical. They do not walk lock step with ‘the military mind-set,’ and jettison the military as soon as they can. One such example I know personally came back after 3 months in Iraq and was deeply troubled by the sights he saw. He was also wary of many of the other American soldiers, as they were clearly rednecks with no ability to reason. He did not talk openly with them as they were clearly more brawn than brain, and as a result he did not feel safe.”

So in your mind we can see one does a trend make. One reported incident and all Marine’s are unabashed killers, shooting indiscriminately into homes killing everything that moves with wanton disregard for the rules of war, and the only good soldier is the ex-soldier. Well my experiences, yes that plural, are quite different than yours, and the career soldier is in my opinion and experiences the better educated and career oriented. Soldiers whether they be Marine’s, Soldiers, Sailors or Airmen are better educated than the general populace. Most NCOs have Bachelor’s degrees and many of them hold Masters and PhD’s. Quite often the NCOs are higher degreed than the men and women leading them. That sure doesn’t sound like the uneducated are those staying around.

“I have strongly suspected after decades of watching and listening to those who are connected with the military that the vast majority are made up of those who never would have been able to go get into college and had no other economic opportunity than the military option. Some even had the college funds from the military to attend school and were unable to compete academically. I think that is awfully sad.”

You have strongly suspected that they are unable to compete in both the military industry and the educational front, and yet my previous rebuttal to your statement proves otherwise. Is this some alternative world you are living in where only those educated to the elementary level are considered military material? Is there some alternate reality that I’m not aware of and those friends of mine that are still serving are not aware of, those friends that have college degrees at the graduate level and above?

“This group is by-and-large Republican and inculcated in military dogma from foreign policy to their zealous homophobia. They are the perfect types to take orders, as they have no ability to question why. That is equally sad as they suffer from a flawed educational system and as a result never have the chance to get up the economic ladder. So they opt for the military and as such see first hand the missteps of our leaders.”

Ah, the dreaded Republican, all that is wrong in this world. I see what you mean now, I was all wrong; the liberal way is the only truly honorable way. Lets appease everyone and make them happy and then we can go back to drinking our double decaf lattes and drive our SUVs to soccer practice. The world would all be better if there were no Republican’s. That is after all what you are saying right? That if the Republicans were gone your problems would be gone too, lets forget for a moment that your freedom has been given to you by Republican’s, a Republican ended the Cold War that a Democrat started..

Now lets look at this flawed educational system you speak of, I can’t fault you there, the educational system in this country is terribly flawed, bad teachers are tenured thanks to a corrupt teachers union that hold incredible sway in our legislature, but this educational system you speak of, is, *GASP!* run by Democrats! How can this be, are you saying that its not the Republican’s after all but the Democrat’s fault that our children are undereducated and ‘have’ to choose a life of military service because they can’t compete in the world today?

I don’t know what to say so perhaps we should move on to your next statement…oh yes the Military’s zealous homophobic rules. That oh no, were also put in place by a Democratic Congress and President. Is it so hard for your party to remove from play the rule you hate but put in place? If your party truly believed in equality at all costs then surly Mr. Murtha can pass a resolution or introduce legislation that would remove this ‘asinine rule’ that prohibits gays for serving. Oh but wait, it doesn’t actually prohibit them form serving, I knew of several gays that served with me in the Army. What it does do though is to prohibit them from openly professing their gayness, if that is a word. And to be quite honest with you, we don’t care if you like to sleep with other’s of the same sex, for when the chips are down all that we really care about is if you can do the job you signed up to do.

“But when these large, dumb, and fully armed bunch go on murdering tirades in a fragile international hotspot it is time to wonder if we really want the bottom of the barrel defending our country. Perhaps it is time to be more circumspect about what qualities we want in a solider. Some may argue strongly with my views in public but privately know how w” (Ed Note: It just ends there so were, not sure if he was going to go on with his tripe or not. Gladly we may never know)

And when those large, dumb and fully armed thugs called terrorists go on a murdering tirade in an international hotspot will it be you that steps up to the plate and defends those who can’t from them? The Marine’s you speak so lowly about are not the large dumb fully armed thugs it is the terrorists that are the thugs and who go on murdering sprees. Terrorists use IED that kill civilians not Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen. Our Armed Forces are there protecting those who can’t protect themselves.

It’s not about Oil you ignorant liberal mouth piece its about freedom, something that you take for granted because you were born into it and never had to once pay the bill. If you really want to know, the bottom of the barrel are not defending our county, the bottom of the barrel are here in this country bad mouthing those that are defending our country.

As for the qualities embodied in our fighting force I wouldn’t have it any other way for they live by a code that you know nothing about; Honor, Duty, and Country. They live their life by a set of values that places their life behind that of great and more important things, while you and your ilk live your lives as if they are meant to be free for alls, where anything goes and there is no honor or a sense of duty to anything other than your next paycheck and play day. If you are so much better I challenge you to join up and make a difference, other wise shut up and sit down and let the real men and women do their job!

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