August 31, 2006

Pull Out Now And Terrorism Comes To Us

By Donald Lambro
Jewish World Review

President Bush's acknowledged frustration and his team's reported discouragement over the war in Iraq is testing the White House's resolve as never before.

As the terrorists continue to wreak destruction in Baghdad and throughout Iraq, and U.S. casualties continue to rise, it has become the focus of the midterm elections in many states, dominating the national dialogue and, of course, last week's presidential news conference.

Bush showed no inkling that Iraq's increased sectarian violence and the intermittent raids on Iraqi, U.S. and coalition forces have weakened his resolve to stand by the infant democracy and its struggle to survive. But, for the first time, he admitted that "sometimes I'm frustrated" and acknowledged the war was "straining the psyche of the country."

While he continued to defend the conflict, tying it to the larger war on global terrorism and vowing to stand by the Iraqis until "the job is done," Washington Post reporter Peter Baker noted that this time Bush did not use the word he has used many times before to defend his policies there: Progress.

Read the rest...

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