August 12, 2006

Web Recon for the Weekend

I thought I'd better provide David's readers with something to keep them busy this weekend or he may fire me! Some 'guest blogger' I am. So, without further delay, here's a little web recon to keep you current and help you miss David a little less.

Grim, posting at Blackfive, has compiled thoughts on the hearts and minds of many. The comments are interesting to read as well. With the title, On the Virtues of Killing Children, you must realize that it will be a hard, but necessary bit of reading given the state of the world. If you feel like challenging yourself, head that way.

For anyone who wished they had a roll of duct tape when the New York and Los Angeles Times were flapping their figurative gums about US intelligence operations, you will be interested in what Patterico has to say. A court decision establishes the kind of case law that could make it very uncomfortable for the dinosaur media should it to be hailed into court.

Some Soldiers' Mom has been busy this weekend. She does a public service to those whose position on the war is, "If we leave them alone, they will leave us alone." Check out her post on the war on America which, by her estimation, began in March 1973. My sister was born in that month of that year and she's now a mother herself so you KNOW the years have been passing!

TF Boggs is on R and R in Europe, but has left his wonderful blog in the very capable hands of his father. If you haven't read Boggs yet, you should. If you have, you'll definitely want to check out this post which contains a photo of the soldier as a young "boy of summer" who has won a trophy for his efforts.

While you're visiting folks with boots on the ground, you may want to stop by and give Buck Sargent some love. He's part of the Stryker Brigade who received word their tour is extended...this word came after some were already left the theater and most others had shipped all the heavy stuff home. Be sure to check out the videos on the right navigational sidebar. The boy has skills!

Tanker Brothers' Rolling Victory Fast continues. This weekend, the event goes INTERNATIONAL...yes, I sent a shirt to Germany! It made it there faster than one I sent to Georgia. Go figure. You can find out about the Rolling Victory Fast, sign up for a day, and order a t-shirt whose proceeds go to Soldiers' Angels by hitting up the Tanker Brothers site.

And finally, Michael Yon has a Q&A with Omar from Iraq the Model that is a must read.

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