August 9, 2006

While the Cat's Away, the Mice Will Play!

OK, in an attempt to help keep everyone amused & otherwise occupied while the big guy is gone on his trip, I figured I'd blog something today.

The problem is, I don't particularly have anything to blog about! Haha! So, in desperation (and seizing upon the opportunity for a shameless plug for a special project I'm working on right now) I am going to do a cross-post of something that's currently posted on my own blog. Seeing as how this is a very time-sensitive project with an imminent deadline, I'm trying to get the word out as much as possible. Therefore.....

Operation: Happy Birthday, Hero!

Why I didn't think of this WEEKS ago, I'll never know. Why I always think of things at the very last minute, is still a mystery to me. *SIGH* Oh well. As you may have guessed from the title of this post, one of my Heroes has a birthday coming up REALLY SOON. As in, really, really, really soon! I would just LOVE to collect birthday wishes for him, to go along with the birthday gift I will be mailing out really, really, really soon. No time for snail-mail greetings, unless you live in the next town over, haha!

I'll take the emails and make cards out of them somehow, haha! Or maybe just put each one in it's own envelope... WHATEVER!!! I'll think of something! (mumbles to self, again, "WHY don't I get good ideas several weeks in advance, EVER?!")
Please send birthday greetings for this Hero to me at I will collect emails until 6:00 p.m. EST, Friday, August 11, 2006, as I am making a run to the post office on Saturday, August 12, 2006, at 9:00 a.m.
I hope to collect bunches & bunches & bunches of emails wishing him a very happy birthday... so please help me get the word out about this!
Thanks everyone!
Now back to our regularly scheduled blogging.....

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