September 4, 2006

You Are Not Alone

"The Online Chaplain" lets us peek into his experiences as he recently left for war with his fellow soldiers. His experience is an example to all of us that we are not alone in this world, there are a million "brothers" out there all waiting to step out of this self-centered world we live in to help you out and to say, "I've got your back."

Now without further ado, The Online Chaplin:

The Nod

The last minutes spent at an airport with your family waiting for you to fly off to war are unique. Like something out of a movie time seems to stop and move frame by frame. There is of course no right way to say good bye and each of us muddle through it in ways specific to our personalities and family dynamics. It’s something impossible to do well, success is measured by the mere fact you got through it.

In the midst of the awkward last moments with my family I noticed another soldier watching me interact with my family. Across the crowded terminal we made eye contact and nodded to one another and communicated at a level deeper than sight. In a glance of compassion he said to me, “I have been where you are, stand strong, I have your back, your going to be ok.” I repeated the message back to him. Although we shared not a word, we communicated. In a nod we shared the strength of fraternity, the knowledge that we are in this together.

I was the last to board the plane. I hugged my kids, kissed my wife and then did it all again and stood and watched them walk toward the terminal. When I turned to board the airplane the ticket agent, a man in his fifties handed me a ticket and said, “I upgraded you to first class….Viet Nam, 1971.” We nodded and shared the strength of fraternity, the knowledge that we are in this together.

I’m somewhere between Budapest and Kuwait City right now, on a plane full of soldiers going to war, and these two nods are cycling through my head like laundry in a washing machine. I’m trying to get every thing out of them that I can. I know that soon I will forget this moment and time will march on. It’s the way of things.

Here’s what I think. I think we are all on our way to war. Some to Iraq, some to
Afghanistan, some to the job they hate, some to the marriage that no longer produces any thing but pain, and some to the countless battle grounds of personal hurt: insecurity, depression, despair, loneliness, anxiety. On your way to battle go with the calm assurance you are not alone. “There is nothing new under the sun.” Go with the calm assurance there are others around you who feel the way you feel, have hurt the way you hurt, and are managing to find a way to the other side.

Now, armed with the knowledge of this, watch for the nod from a fellow fraternity member. It will come, people are dying to break out of their personal egocentric prison and connect with someone, anyone. Connecting brings sanity to chaos and deep with in we all know it. So, connect with the people around you. Don’t let the pain of the moment ruin your capacity to connect. Let them know, “I have been where you are, stand strong, I have your back, your going to be ok.” Give them the nods, share their pain, share their moments and their days and they will share yours.

In the final moments of his life Jesus said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” Jesus in the final moment of his life gave us the nod. He said in that last act of grace, “I have now been where you are, stand strong, I have your back, your going to be ok.”

Bravo Padre, thank you for your service to our country and don't forget, "I've got your back!"

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