October 7, 2006

DNC Chairman Dean is Out of Touch!

The party of Tolerance and Diversity shows its lack of Diversity here in Maryland

Dean laments lack of diversity

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean yesterday said that Maryland's Democratic ticket should have had a black or other minority at the top, but added that the national party isn't to blame for the lack of diversity.

"I do think there should be more diversity on this ticket," Mr. Dean said during a visit to the Maryland Democratic Party's campaign headquarters in Hyattsville.

However, Mr. Dean said that the national party bears no responsibility for Maryland's Democratic ticket, which offers four white men for the state's top offices -- the U.S. Senate, governor, attorney general and comptroller.

"We don't interfere in primaries," he said of the DNC.
Rest of the story can be found here (registration required)
Really you don't interfere in primaries, I'm sure Mr. Leiberman and Mr. Mfume would have something to say about that. Its obvious here in Maryland that the era of guaranteed votes for the DNC by Maryland Blacks is coming to an end. Michael Steele is a viable and worthy candidate for the Republicans and it is a shame that the party of tolerance isn't promoting a black candidate in Maryland since the DNC allowed Mfume's candidacy to wither on the vine, in support of anti-victory candidate Cardin.

Is it possible that many voters are tiring of the Left's control of the DNC, we can only hope so for in the DNC today if you aren't far left you are out!

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