October 23, 2006


From the unstoppable Kat in GA:

Dear everyone, This has been a FABULOUS week for the "Operation: Love From Home" Christmas card drive for the troops! In addition to the 300 cards I collected at my booth at Loganfest (a local community event) yesterday, there were no less than an additional 97 from the P.O. Box! :) That brings the total up to 1,070 cards towards my goal of a minimum of 3,000 holiday cards for the troops in Iraq & Afghanistan! WOOOHOOO! Getting there, y'all! Keep up the good work!

October is almost over - we have roughly FIVE WEEKS to get another 2,000 or more cards! *waves pom poms* *cheers* C'mon, y'all... we can do it!Below is the information about Operation: Love From Home:

During this holiday season, let's show our troops we love and support them! From September 30 to November 30, I will be collecting holiday cards for troops stationed in high-combat areas in Iraq and Afghanistan. Being away from home and living in harsh conditions during the holiday season is especially difficult ~ they need to know we have not forgotten them! Mail from home helps to keep our troops' morale strong, making a very real difference in their lives.

Send your signed, unsealed holiday cards to:

Mrs. Kathy Orr
P.O. Box 1660
Georgia, 30052

The cards can be handmade or store-bought... for that matter, they don't even have to be cards; a hand-written or typed letter is just as wonderful! This is a great opportunity to get your Scout troop, school, church and other civic organizations involved in doing something to show support for our troops.If you wish to send an email greeting (which will be printed off and mailed along with the holiday cards), please send an email here:

**IMPORTANT GUIDELINES: This is not a "dating service" of any type. Please do not send suggestive or otherwise inappropriate cards or materials. Please also refrain from making political statements of any nature. I will be reading and screening every card received to ensure that the above guidelines are adhered to. Remember: This is strictly to let the troops know that we love them, we are proud of them and that we HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN them! If you have any questions, please contact me here.

Only about a month left at this point and Kat is on her way to sending out cheer and goodwill to 3000 service members serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. If you want to help out in any manner I know she would gladly accept your help but it is really cards and letters that are needed, so please send in a card or two to the address above and help send some goodwill and holiday cheer to the fine men and women who are protecting our freedoms.

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