November 25, 2006

A Must Read at the Huffington Post?

That's right you heard it hear, HuffPo has a must read not because of its vehament attacks against Bush and our military, but because the author of the piece is actually facing reality, something rarely seen at the HuffPo.

So who is the author of this wonderful item, none other than Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz's post The World According to Jimmy Carter focuses on Jimmy Carter's newest book, Palestine: Peace not Aparthied. A snippet for your pleasure:

I like Jimmy Carter. I have known him since he began his run for president in early 1976. I worked hard for his election, and I have admired the work of the Carter Center throughout the world. That’s why it troubles me so much that this decent man has written such an indecent book about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

His bias against Israel shows by his selection of the book’s title: “Palestine: Peace not Apartheid.” The suggestion that without peace Israel is an apartheid state analogous to South Africa is simply wrong. The basic evil of South African apartheid, against which I and so many other Jews fought, was the absolute control over a majority of blacks by a small minority of whites. It was the opposite of democracy. In Israel majority rules; it is a vibrant secular democracy, which just today recognized gay marriages performed abroad. Arabs serve in the Knesset, on the Supreme Court and get to vote for their representatives, many of whom strongly oppose Israeli policies. Israel has repeatedly offered to end its occupation of areas it captured in a defensive war in exchange for peace and full recognition. The reality is that other Arab and Muslim nations do in fact practice apartheid. In Jordan, no Jew can be a citizen or own land. The same is true in Saudi Arabia, which has separate roads for Muslims and non-Muslims. Even in the Palestinian authority, the increasing influence of Hamas threatens to create Islamic hegemony over non-Muslims. Arab Christians are leaving in droves.

Why then would Jimmy Carter invoke the concept of apartheid in his attack on Israel? Even he acknowledges—though he buries this toward the end of his book—that what is going on in Israel today “is unlike that in South Africa—not racism, but the acquisition of land.” But Israel’s motive for holding on to this land is the prevention of terrorism. It has repeatedly offered to exchange land for peace and did so in Gaza and southern Lebanon only to have the returned land used for terrorism, kidnappings and rocket launchings. (Read the Rest...)

It gets a whole lot better from there and it is recommended reading for this weekend. What is also not to be missed is the rabid supporters of Jimmy Carter as they attack Mr. Dershowitz and Israel in the comments section. Reality Based Community...yeah sure, I get it.

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