November 24, 2006

Web Reconnaissance for 11/24/2006

A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention.

In the News: (Registration may be required to read some stories)
All eyes on Pelosi for intelligence pick “The intelligence community and Capitol Hill are awaiting House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi's choice to lead the chamber's intelligence panel, an explosive decision that will anger key members of her party no matter who she selects.” (READ MORE)

Grandmother a suicide bomber “Israeli forces killed seven Palestinians, including a top militant commander, in raids in northern Gaza yesterday while a 57-year-old grandmother blew herself up near soldiers.” (READ MORE)

Iraq Death Toll Rises; Shiite Bloc Threatens Boycott “A powerful legislative bloc loyal to firebrand Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr threatened to boycott the government if Iraq’s prime minister attends a scheduled meeting with President Bush in Jordan next week.” (READ MORE)

News From the Front:
Bombs, mortars kill 157 in Iraq “Five car bombs and two mortar rounds struck the capital's Shi'ite Sadr City slum yesterday, killing at least 157 persons and wounding 247, police said.” (READ MORE)

Buck Sergeant of American Citizen Soldier writes THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD “As the dense fog of war clouded uncommon senses, Amidst a drumbeat of electoral media spin, Did the war Propheteers begin to swing for the fences, Knowing only on YouTube could a victory they win.” (READ MORE)

On the Web:
Oliver North writing at writes Feeling the draft “During the 2004 presidential campaign, the Democrats' standard bearer, John ‘Study or Get Stuck in Iraq’ Kerry, was fond of claiming that if President Bush got re-elected, he would reinstate the draft.” (READ MORE)

Mona Charen writing at writes In praise of discrimination “Six imams got on a plane in Minneapolis. Accounts vary, but it seems that they were speaking in Arabic before boarding of their disgust with the U.S. war in Iraq and with American policy in general.” (READ MORE)

Doug Wilson writing at writes Learning and leadership for the next Congress “Last week Republicans got some very tough feedback from their customer - the people. The question now is, ‘What's the lesson?’” (READ MORE)

Andi of Andi’s World writes Count Your Blessings “I have been blessed in so many ways over the past year, and throughout my entire life. My blessings are not measured in monetary value, they are measured in family, friendships and the love that comes from each.” (READ MORE)

Jon Henke writing at QandO writes Feeding the Machine “I'm not sure there's really anything unusual about the current Pelosi/Harman/Hastings (or Pelosi/Murtha/Hoyer) soap opera — power struggles, ethics problems and personal animus seems to be DC standard operating procedure — but it's certainly interesting to see pundits and analysts reading far more or less into this than they've read into previous power struggles. Is Pelosi's Machine Politics new or unusual?” (READ MORE)

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