December 1, 2006


And just what does that number mean? Let's have Kat in Ga clue you all in:

Last night was our community "Pack & Ship" party at the Greater Grayson Chamber of Commerce... the time when we finally had everything read, counted, and sorted... and ready to pack to ship off to our Heroes in the Sandbox. It was fabulous to see the way the community came together to make this happen! We had many people come by to help with the final reading/counting and assembly of the boxes. The Grayson Chamber served refreshments (even shrimp!!!) and had cheery Christmas music playing while we worked.

Remember my "original" goal for Operation: Love From Home was 3,000 holiday cards? Well... we met that... and then some! :) The official final tally packed up & ready for shipping on Saturday is.... (ready for this?)
17,320 holiday cards
50 boxes of candy canes
30 hunting/fishing/sports magazines
25 boxes of girl scout cookies
2 boxes of instant hot apple cider mix
38 stuffed annimals for an orphanage in Afghanistan
15 books/novels
And a partidge in a pear tree (OK, not really, just had to throw that in!)

I know I will get more mail tomorrow & Saturday... whatever comes on Friday & Saturday will be shipped out on Monday, which is, according to the post office, the LAST DAY to ship to the middle east and have it arrive by Christmas. If anything comes after Monday, of course I'll ship it -- better late than never for sure!

So the "official final" total of 17,320 holiday cards will almost certainly change. How cool is that?

HOOAH! Thanks, EVERYONE who participated!!!!! This wouldn't have been possible without YOU!!!!!!

Pictures of tonight's fun can be seen HERE.

Thanks a bunch friends, I knew we could do it.

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