January 6, 2007

What a Real Woman Thinks About Speaker Pelosi's Big Achievement

So Speaker Pelosi has ushered in a new era for women, so says the liberal media and the Democratic Party...but equality has not been reached for as Pam says:

Granted, as the first woman to achieve the position of Speaker of the House, Ms. Pelosi is unique. However, to turn that simple distinguishing characteristic into days of headlines based on her gender only reveals that we're still very far from equality.

The same camp that constantly squawks about how far we have to go in the area of women's' rights also crows at every achievement, as if it's some big surprise that a woman could get there. So who is it that perpetuates inequality? And where was all of this reveling when Condoleeza Rice became Secretary of State? After all, she's a woman - and she's African-American! Doubly remarkable that she could actually get a good job, right?

Want to know what a real woman thinks about gender equality, well read on and get ready for an ear full! Pam: I Ain't "Basking"

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