April 12, 2007

One More State Legislature Puts Finances Before its Troops

Mr. Robert Stokely father of Sgt Michael Stokely who was killed in action on August 16, 2005 in Iraq updates us on the progress of Georgia HB 131 - Surviving Spouse HERO benefit. What seems so obvious to so many is being slowly squeezed to death by greedy politicians. He writes:

Just wanted to share about my work with others to allow the widows (including my son's) to draw their State HERO scholarship benefit. The HERO scholarship was established by Georgia to provide college grants and assistance to our Georgia National Guard soldiers going to Iraq in a massive call-up and deployment - our 48th Brigade. The HERO did not have a surviving spouse benefit, and obviously, the surviving spouse - currently all widows - need this worse than ever. As I said in a Georgia Senate Higher Education Committee meeting today, women have come from being "diaper changers" and "supper getter uppers" to being significant wage earners. Widows of war are now the sole wage earner. However, you would think this would be a no brainer right? Wrong, our Governor, Sonny Perdue, working through others, primarily the State Senate Veteran's Affairs Chairperson, John Douglas, wants to condition the benefits on their remaining unmarried. State Senator Seth Harp, who chairs the commitee reviewing the legislation (which passed our State House 165-0) stood up for us today, but we are a long way from being out of the woods yet. You can look at the actual bill by google "georgia legislature" and a box will show "find legislation" (and HB usually defaults) so put in 131 in the blank box to the right. My thoughts on this remarriage penalty are summed up in my thank you letter to Senator Harp. We have a week to go and then see what is passed and whether the Governor would sign it. His best committment to me was "I will give it consideration". Wow, what courage it would take to sign such a bill that will cost the State of Georgia less than $150,000 total - and this after he told us grieving families at a State callled prayer vigil two years ago "We are here for you."

Robert Stokely

Mr. Stokely correctly notes that the remarriage penalty, is simply another method by which the state can keep more money for itself. Niki Stokely and the other widows have paid a dear price for their state and this country and would not be facing this "remarriage" issue but for the untimely widowing they have suffered. I'm sure that their husbands would want them to go on, to be happy, to eventually remarry and would not jealousy cloak them with further unhappiness and grief.

Mr. Stokely further asks:

Would our Governor and others now go against such a selfless love these fallen sons of Georgia had for their wives and thereby possibly one day force these widows to choose between the HERO grant or a new life through the sacred bond of marriage? Never mind such a remarriage penalty, at best, encourages untruthfulness or cohabitation outside of marriage. For what benefit would our State engage in such derisive policy? At best, such would save so few dollars for the State as to be near impossible to calculate in the face of our current State surplus or the yearly State Budget. Have not these widows endured and paid enough already without being subjected to such a futile and fruitless fiscal pay back?

The State of Georgia should do the right thing and pass this legislation for those that have been left behind, the Gold Star Mothers, Fathers and Spouses of their fallen heroes deserve it.

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