May 17, 2007

TRCNAK - Our Support is Working

TRCNAK sends us another dispatch and provides us with some much need insight into houw our support affects the troops in theatre. He writes:

Convoys are not moving, so I'm stuck here at the computer center. It's not a sandstorm because there is no wind. It is some sort of dust fog. Everything is covered with a fine layer of yellow talcum powder. The itch at the back of your throat is the dust collecting. I see people using surgical masks and t-shirts to filter some of it out. My mission today was to take pictures of some of the heavy equipment, but I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to.

We have armed escorts when we travel. If you are an 'old school' traditionalist and view the fairer sex as needing protection. Well, you can pitch that. There are a large number of female troops here, and everyone carries a weapon like you and I carry a wallet. They may not take a shower with it, but it is always with them.

One of my first escorts was a young kid (just a boy really) who came down with the Kuwaiti Krud, so they assigned us T. She's a petite soldier from North Carolina. I tested her, a little, by asking when she had been to the range, to which she replied, "Well, we're going again Thursday." That's one tough lady.

During one of our stops, I stepped out of our SUV to snap a picture. I guess I forgot where the Hell I was, because I moved off the road to get a better shot. Then I moved closer to the object to get an even better shot. When I turned around I almost ran into her. She was like my shadow, and had been covering me the whole time. I apologized to her for acting like a frickin' tourist.

The next day, she came down with the Kuwaiti Krud, so I got a giant kid from New Mexico. He was also our driver. Anyone who can drive with these crazy Kuwaiti drivers, has my respect. Every couple of miles you will see a trashed car on the side of the road. It's the law here in Kuwait to leave a vehicle accident right where it is until the matter is settled. This creates some really interesting scenery. He and I hit it off immediately when I let him play whatever music he wanted. This didn't go well with the other escort.

Yesterday, they asked if I wanted to come back in a couple of months for some software implementation. I said, "Not only yes, but Hell yes!" Then I added, "I can extend this trip if you need me to!" To which they replied "We need you back there expediting the process." That is when I realized that what these troops really need is for me to return to my job back in the States.

I know that you want to come here, and so do I. We are what Bill Whittle calls 'sheep dogs' and we long to face the wolf one more time. It's in our blood, brother. But, we need to back up and realize that what these guys really need is for us to do what we do best.

I've heard from several people that your blog is - and I quote: "a breath of fresh air." Whether you realize the full impact or not, you are doing a tremendous job for morale. We need what you provide. On a larger scale, your readers need to do what they do best. Whether it is to support the troops with mail or donating computers, or whatever it is - IT IS WORKING!!

That's right, regardless of what the television is saying, it is working! So don't stop! Many years ago, an old gray sergeant once told me, "Damn it soldier, don't fix it if it ain't broken." Truer words were never spoken.

I know it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks (and I'm an old dog). There was a time when we were young, and thought that we were immortal. We were what you call door kickers. Now it is time for NEXT GEN. Tell your readers this ... You want to do something this very moment? You want to do something that makes all the difference? Take a knee and pray for our troops. They deserve it.

"Out Here"

Thanks buddy, sometimes we lose site of how important our part is in this war. Stay safe and keep drinking and look out for that Kuwait Krud.

Trackbacked / linked by:
Dawn Patrol from Mudville Gazette

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