Oy Vey!
Homeland Security is on top of it folks: “Nothing to see here, move along, go home.” It’s almost like watching Leslie Neilsen reprise his role in the “Naked Gun” series.
Meanwhile the left continues to squirm that this is not the kind of image they want to present…kind of hard when they’ve willing accepted the militant Marxist into their midst. And still the left is on the move against military recruiters - Code Pink is planning a non-stop blockade of the Berkeley Ca USMC recruiting station, and is even asking for volunteers to come by and join their side, there is even a breastfeeding day!
Anarchists in NYC are all a twitter over the bombing of the station, with commenter Ann R. Key at NYC Indymedia writing: “
WE DID IT!!!!!! Not one person was harmed. Only property. Kudos on a perfect action!”Well Ann, I’m glad to see that you approve of bombing buildings to prove a point…you have just become a terrorists! Don’t worry though the Keystone Kops won’t do anything at all.
Just to remind us all…this is the face of the “peace movement”…

… any questions? [All photos from Zombietime.com]
Meanwhile Michelle Malkin takes a long look at the history of the left’s attack on recruiting stations and military recruiters.
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