December 5, 2005

More proof to counter Tucker Carlson:

I wrote the other day about Tucker Carlson’s fantasy world where our troops are not attacked personally by the leftists in this country that oppose everything President Bush says or does. Thanks to Michelle Malkin this little tidbit comes our way:

“Lots of readers watched Fox & Friends this morning and e-mailed about the disgusting greeting card a wounded soldier received while hospitalized at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Thanks to reader Shari for taking these cell phone camera shots of the card displayed by co-host Brian Kilmeade:

The card front, decorated with patriotic and holiday stamps, was deceptively innocuous:

But take a look at what was inside:

Yes, that's right. It says "P.S. DIE" in the lower right-hand corner.

According to Kilmeade, who visited Walter Reed on Friday, a US Army soldier named Joshua Sparling received the death wish while recovering from a gunshot wound he received in Ramadi, Iraq. It's the only Christmas card he received. Fox & Friends is urging you to counter the hate by sending your thanks and good wishes to Sparling:
Joshua Sparling
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20307-5001

Do it today.

Thank you Ms. Malkin I shall do just that.

Mr. Carlson, why are you still subscribing to the false belief that our troops are not being attacked personally by the left in this country? Daily you pass on the falsehoods that this war is not being protested on the home front in the same manner the anti-American’s protested the Vietnam War. You give credence to those who spout out falsehoods about the effectiveness of our conduct in this war and the great things our troops are accomplishing everyday. Every day in this great country our troops and especially our wounded troops are assaulted and terrorized by liberal leftists, the same people that can’t let the word Christmas be uttered in a public place because it might offend someone. As we can see they aren’t worried about offending or even assaulting our great Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen, when will you stand up and defend them as they defend you?

I’m waiting for an answer.

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