February 16, 2006

Web Reconnaissance for 02/16/2006

A not so short recon of what’s out there today that might draw your attention. Focusing today on the Cheney incident and how out of touch, the liberal left and Main Stream Media is with the art and sport of hunting.

Jay Tea at Wizbang writes Tunnel Vision And Trigger Fingers: “I've read some of the more conspiratorial thoughts on the left, and find them largely unpersuasive. Take for instance this from John Aravosis, accusing Cheney of lying about the details of his shot:

Michelle Malkin has a great round up she has titled THE BARNUM & BAILEY MEDIA: “My syndicated column today contrasts the clowns of the American media hyperventilating about the Cheney shooting accident with the plight of journalists facing retribution for taking a stand on the Cartoon Jihad.”

Uncle Jimbo writing at Blackfive has White House Press Briefing - Cheney's got a gun
The usual suspects await the arrival of Boy Press Secretary Scott McClellan. (Clownus Maximus Dana Milbank dresses for the occasion gracias Sra. Malkin)

Confederate Yankee has The Quail on The Grassy Knoll Part I and Part II: “Austin lawyer Harry Whittington was shot during a hunting trip with Vice President Dick Cheney on Saturday. This afternoon, he suffered a slight setback as a birdshot pellet in his bloodstream became trapped in his heart... and what an interesting pellet it was.”

Captain Ed of Captain’s Quarters writes Cheney Owns Up: “One of the advantages of having satellite radio is the ability to tune in network news broadcasts when they have a noteworthy event. Tonight, Fox's Brit Hume interviewed Dick Cheney about the hunting accident that wounded his friend and hunting partner, Harry Whittington, and the raging controversy over the method the news was released.”

Hugh Hewitt writes FNC Envy: “From CNN's Jack Cafferty this afternoon: JACK CAFFERTY: Well, I obviously didn’t see it because it hasn’t been released in its entirety yet. But I would guess it didn’t exactly represent a profile in courage for the Vice President to wander over there to the ‘f-word’ network for a sit down with Brit Hume. I mean that’s a little like Bonnie interviewing Clyde, ain’t it? I mean, where was the news conference? Where was the access to all of the members of the media? I don’t know, whatever.”

Ian of Expose the Left has Franken: Cheney Was “Drinking” Or Being an “Amazing Jerk” For Not Going to Hospital: “AL FRANKEN: It’s inconceivable that you don’t go to the hospital unless there’s a reason you don’t go to the hospital. If you had been drinking you wouldn’t go to the hospital. Or, you’re an amazing jerk, that’s the other, or both.”

Kobayashi Maru has Guns Pointed In Anger... and Not: “Which brings us to the current MSM monomania about the Vice President. Yes, it is a major story, but not the story of the century - or even the year. Does it really warrant this much attention? (5,700 stories on Google News for "Cheney + accident" and 5,500 for "Cheney + shooting") Let's play the double standard game for a moment.”

John Hawkins of Right Wing News has Excerpt Of The Day: Blankley On The Media Meltdown Over Bird Shot Gate: “As I understand the profound concern of the ever-alert White House reporters, they smell a constitutional crisis because the shooting party failed to alert the media of the accidental shooting down in Corpus Christi, Texas. Well, actually, they did alert the Corpus Christi media -- but that didn't count. Unless the exalted ones have been formally informed by an official government press secretary, no public communication has technically occurred.”

Marianne M. Jennings writing at Jewish World Review has I blame Carl Woodward or Bob Bernstein, you know, those Deep Throat Guys: The Veep's waiting for medical stability in his buddy Whittington before notifying the White House Press Corps may not quite be an impeachable offense. Check with Monsieur Kerry who has been rumbling and bumbling about in that field. However, that discernment was not evident as I watched the Monday morning White House press briefing. For the first five minutes I believed, treadmill noise being what it is, that CNN was playing a Saturday Night Live skit.

Thomas Sowell writing at Jewish World Review has Spoiled brat media: The first revolt of the American colonists against their British rulers was immortalized by Ralph Waldo Emerson as "the shot heard round the world." Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting accident has now become the shot heard round the Beltway.

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