March 2, 2006

Web Reconnaissance for 03/02/2006

A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention.

Pam of Iraq War Today writes My Two Cents: My Taliban Neighbor “A little over an hour from my house is Yale University. - it's even closer to where I work. I’ve been to the campus on several occasions, even taking a field trip to see their Anthropology folks when I was a kid. It was fascinating. The best and brightest, the most privileged from all over the world - including a number of US Presidents - come to attend Yale.And then there’s this guy:”

Captain Ed of Captain’s Quarters writes Katrina Tape Half-Story “Most news agencies have reported on the AP's tape of a meeting involving President Bush, Michael Brown, and a number of other FEMA officials and local and state politicians during Hurricane Katrina. In the tape, most of the reports claim, Bush specifically heard warnings about levees being breached. However, that's not what the tape shows, at least the portion aired by the AP and NBC on their broadcast last night (available at MS-NBC at the above link). What is does show is an expert saying to the group, "At this point, we don't know whether the levees will be overtopped or not.”

Mohammed of Iraq the Model writes Selling the same bird twice! “That's what we say in Baghdad about bird keepers who raise good pigeons that they can sell them over and over again because the birds would find their way back to their original owner. The same is used to describe frauds who manage to deceive people and sell the same item to more than one customer or to the same customer twice. Of course I'm not trying to give you a lesson in Iraqi dialect but I thought the title fits the issue I want to talk about today… “

Michelle Malkin writes UNHINGED TEACHER CAUGHT ON TAPE This story is big here in Denver (where my flight has been canceled this morning...grr): A 16-year-old World Geography student taped his Bush-bashing, capitalism-hating high school teacher's screeching diatribe. Here's the audio. You have to listen to believe it.

Cassandra of Villainous Company writes Vox Populi “When next you are subjected to a spate of overwrought DNC bloviation about how the President should listen to the will of the people, you might want to stop and reflect upon whether said "People" have the slightest idea what they're talking about:”

Trevor of Will to Exist posts his Essay contest winner - Why Am I Here? Wordsmith at War is the winner of my first ever essay contest, but there were several good entries. I’m posting the winning entry below and will post the runner-ups over the next two days, so check back: Why am I here?” Read it!

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