March 28, 2006

Web Reconnaissance for 03/28/2006

A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention.

Pam at Iraq War Today has A Message from a Hero “Dear Soldier Supporter - I am the Battalion Chaplain of the 37th Engineer Battalion (Combat)(Airborne) attached to 10th Mountain Division. You may remember sending some packages, letters, or cards to me when I was in Baghdad, Iraq last year with the 2nd Battalion, 8th (US) Cavalry of the 1st Cavalry Division. A lot of you wanted to know when and if I ever deployed again. Well, I'm deployed again, but this time to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom VII. You sent us great stuff last time and I wanted to give you another opportunity again, if you chose to do so…”

t.f.boggs writes True Reporting from Iraq “I feel like I am in the middle of a five-minute chess game right now that has been taking place so fast that I don’t have time to completely plan out my next move before the time runs out. In this chess game I am a pawn with the hands of someone much bigger controlling me, and with a panel of analysts describing the game.”

Buck Sargent of American Citizen Soldier writes WHAT CASEY SHEEHAN DIED FOR “On April 4th, 2004 Army Specialist Casey Sheehan and seven fellow soldiers were killed during protracted combat with Shi'ite insurgents in Sadr City, Iraq. Sheehan, a Humvee mechanic, had volunteered for the rescue mission to relieve his besieged comrades only to be ambushed himself while en route. He had been in country for five days.”

Uncle Jimbo writes Bricks for peace “I believe I have proven my tolerance quite a few times and I really don't care if people protest the war or W or whatever. But when some pampered pissant wants to disrespect the military that keeps us all safe, well I get pissed.”

Captain Ed of Captain’s Quarters writes The Fukuyama Two-Step “Francis Fukuyama has made headlines once again for abandoning the neoconservativism that he once espoused. His change of heart came, he says, when he attended a speech two years ago that treated the Iraq War as an unqualified success, and realized that he had nothing in common with this movement. Interestingly, it's taken him a while to come public with this information -- say, just about the time that public support for the war has ebbed -- and he does so just as his new book is being released..”

Omar at Iraq The Model writes Following yesterday's raid... “The Iraqi government, or more precisely the UIA part of it is obviously so outraged by the joint US-Iraqi army raid on al-Mustafa husseiniya that took place in eastern Baghdad yesterday.
Actually the reactions to this incident are so intense compared the reactions when 30 or 4 beheaded or strangles bodies are found on nearly daily basis in Baghdad in a way that it makes me question the intentions of this part of the government even more; this incident has received more attention and was met by more objections that it deserves, or to be more accurate; other more worrisome and tragic deaths in Iraq are receiving far less attention that they should be.”

WO1 Michael Fay of Fire and Ice writes Stranger in a Strange Land “…So, here I am back stateside groking America, feeling a little like a stranger in a strange land. This past week the actor Richard Belzer, from a bully-pulpit provided by HBO and Bill Maher, condescendingly disparaged the very same young Americans into whose able hands I placed my own life and limb into day after day in Iraq and Afghanistan…”

Jay at Stop the ACLU writes ACLU Teaching Children How To Be Good Criminals “If there is one thing that American needs more of, especially our children, it is to learn how to take responsibility for our actions and to realize that our actions have consequences. The ACLU are working hard to teach our children just the opposite…”

Ian of Expose the Left has Hannity Discusses Fight With Baldwin On H&C (VIDEO) “Co-host Sean Hannity discussed his feud with actor and Hollywood elite Alec Baldwin on WABC on tonight’s edition of Hannity & Colmes. The host of that WABC show, Brian Whitman, who was interviewing Baldwin, also appeared on H&C to talk about what happened. Co-host Alan Colmes didn’t even try to rationalize Baldwin’s statements that Cheney is a terrorist and that Rep. Henry Hyde should be stoned to death.”

Kobayashi Maru writes Immigration and Persecution - The Missing Link “Flipping between my three favorite talk radio channels yesterday while running an errand, I was disappointed to find all of them going on about illegal immigration. And on. And on. And on.
I haven't blogged on this much before, mostly because it seems like it ought to be a lot simpler than it's being made out to be. I've also been uncomfortable with the pridefulness that seems to animate some of those out front on the issue.”

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