May 12, 2006

Taking Chance

Remember LtCol Michael Strobl's account of escorting the remains of Marine Lance Corporal Chance Phelps? If you don't, go there and read it now, it is a MUST READ!


Good now for the good news via Blackfive...It's going to be made into a movie for HBO.


Lance Cpl. Chance Phelps' story will be told in movie form next year. HBO Films is starting production this summer on "Taking Chance." It is based on a firsthand account of Lt. Col. Michael Strobl, the volunteer military escort officer who accompanied Phelps' body across America. Phelps and Strobl share the same hometown of Dubois, Wyo., population 983. Filmmakers shot footage at Thursday's ceremony. The film should debut in 2007. Phelps' family said at first they were hesitant about the film but are hopeful it will be a positive film that rings true for many." This movie is actually going to be a way to honor everyone" who has died in service, said Phelps' mother, Gretchen Mack.

This is great news...but I only have one issue. Lt Col Stobl and Lance Corporal Phelps are not from the same hometown. It was Lt Col Stobl's mistaken belief that he would be transporting a fallen Marine to his own hometown that had him volunteer to escort LCPL Phelp's body.

However, this "mistake" resulted in an even more powerful message and event for Lt Col Stobl that we can all now share in when he ended up escorting Chance all the way to Wyoming, and then penned this; his account.

I'm not suprised that those in TV/Movieland didn't catch that as they probably didn't even read the entire first hand account.

Anyway, it is good news that "OUR" stories are being told and hopefully it won't be twisted into a hit piece against the military and the US.

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