June 6, 2006

Web Reconnaissance for 06/06/2006

A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, focusing on D-Day posts.

Soldier’s Angels Germany writes The Longest Day “Shortly after dawn on June 7, Lt. Horace Henderson of the Sixth Engineer Special Brigade landed on Omaha Beach.
Going in on his Higgens boat, "I noticed that nothing moved on the beach except one bulldozer. The beach was covered with debris, sunken craft and wrecked vehicles. We saw many bodies in the water...” (read more)

Blackfive writes D-Day Remembered “I'll start by posting this link to the Blog Round-Up of posts about the 60th Anniversary of the landing on Normandy in 1944.
There's lost of information there:” (read more)

John of ARGGHH! writes D-Day, H-Hour “The Order. So clean, so clear, so simple. The result” (read more)

Crank writing at RedState writes 62 Years “62 years is a very long time - long enough to turn a boy of 18 to an old man of 80, long enough to turn even the most searing emotional wounds to a long, dull throb, long enough to bury even the deepest of grudges, at least if scores have been adequately evened.” (read more)

John Noonan of OPFOR writes The Rangers of Point Du Hoc “June 6th marks the 62nd anniversary of The Battle of Normandy, otherwise known as D-Day. So our moment-in-history zen for the day is the legendary capture and holding of Point Du Hoc by the US 2nd Rangers.” (read more)

Army Wife Toddler Mom writes Remembering the Heroes of The Longest Day

Third Wave Dave writes D-DAY JUNE 6TH 1944 “All things worth having come at a price. Freedom is certainly worth having and the Allied Nations paid dearly for it sixty-two years ago. Take a moment and consider the scene pictured above.” (read more)

Iraq War Today writes June 6, 1944 -- D-Day “This day in 1944, 160,000 Allied troops hit the sands on a 50-mile long stretch of sand in Normandy, France. The operation was supported by nearly 13,000 aircraft (close to 9,000 of those American), and more than 5,000 ships.” (read more)

Small Town Veteran writes D-Day + 62 Years “My apologies for letting the date slip up on me and not having a proper post ready to go. It's a good thing better men than me were in charge that day. Fortunately Blackfive has a good D-Day roundup. I'll try to add some links to my post later.” (read more)

Echo9er writes 62 Years ago: D-Day, June 6th, 1944 “On June 6, 1944, the D-Day invasion of Europe took place during World War II as Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France. Click on the Image below to see the New York Times article.” (read more)

The Cool Blue Blog writes Omaha Beach and the USS Arkansas “For this 62nd Anniversary of D-Day, I am reprinting the tribute to my father and his crewmates I wrote for the 60th Anniversary two years ago. For those who know people who served on the "Arky", you may want to visit the comments posted there.” (read more)

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