September 21, 2006

Dancing with the Devil

By Ben Johnson

IF NOTHING ELSE CAME OUT OF YESTERDAY’S SPEECH AT THE UN, we now know what is on Venezuelan proto-fascist Hugo Chavez’s reading table.

Noam Chomsky, and this is one of his most recent books, Hegemony or Survival: The Imperialist Strategy of the United States,” he said, hoisting the tome aloft at the podium. “I will just leave it as a recommendation.”

His Chomsky citation merely proves what we have been saying at FrontPage Magazine for years: there is an Unholy Alliance of American leftists and anti-Americans worldwide – and the influence runs both ways.

Yesterday, Chavez called for “the immediate suppression – and that is something everyone's calling for – of the anti-democratic mechanism known as the veto, the veto on decisions of the Security Council.” In his book Failed States, Chomsky counseled America to “give up the Security Council veto.” The book was published as part of the American Empire Project, whose blog commented the Chavez endorsement. (Quite a journalistic “get.” Perhaps his blurb will read, “This is the kind of book I would never burn!”) The blog also asserts, “TERRORISM CAN'T BE DEFEATED – EVER.”

Read the rest....

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