January 27, 2007

The NRSC Pledge

I want to thank everyone that has stepped on board and taken the pledge. The effort to convey the genuine opinion of the rightroots has succeeded with over 18,000 signatures collected thus far, now its time to do a little more.

Please tell the candidates in the ’08 cycle especially – Alexander, Collins, Coleman and Smith and would be presidential nominees McCain and Brownback — that a vote for the Warner resolution is the end of support for them and the NRSC.

Senator Alexander’s phone: (202) 224-4944. His e-mail form is here:
Senator Brownback’s phone: (202) 224-6521. His e-mail form is here:
Senator Coleman’s phone: (202) 224-5641. His e-mail form is here:
Senator Collins’ phone: (202) 224-2523. Her e-mail form is here:
Senator McCain's phone: (202) 224-2235. His campaign e-mail form is here:
Senator Smith’s phone: (202) 224-3753. His e-mail form is here:
Senator Voinovich's phone: (202) 224-3353. His e-mail form is here:

The GOP leadership, which needs to announce that no resolution will be voted on that encourages the enemy, and that includes the Warner resolution or any cousin of the Warner resolution:

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s phone is (202) 224-2541. His e-mail form is here:
Minority Whip Trent Lott’s phone is (202) 224-6253. His e-mail form is here:
Senator Jon Kyl’s phone is (202) 224-4521. His e-mail form is here:
Senator John Ensign’s phone is (202) 224-6244. His e-mail form is here:

Please help us stop the GOP leadership from following this misguided course, and abandoning our troops.

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