February 25, 2007

Vengeance and Hate

“A surging, seething, murmuring crowd of beings that are human only in name, for to eye and ear they seem naught but savage creatures, animated by vile passions and by the lust of vengeance and hate.” Baroness Orczy – The Scarlet Pimpernel

When the Baroness wrote that line in 1905 she used it to set the stage so that her readers would know how the populace of the revolution reacted to the events of their day. Little did she suspect or even fathom that those same words could be used to describe a large segment of the populace of the one country that founded the revolution on the basis of freedom and not revenge, the United States.

Harsh? Possibly, but how else should we describe the actions of the members of Code Pink that hang about the gates of our military hospitals not unlike the crowds, the citizenry of the Baroness’ books, that hang about the square watching the spectacle of madam guillotine, and then rush towards the gates of the city to watch as the aristocrats seek to escape their lust of hate, and hopefully be capture by the guards and brought forth for trial? Are their comrades that march in the streets actively calling for the assassination of our elected leaders, not also motivated by the same passions, do they not allow their hate of a single person drive their every action? Are our elected leaders in the hallowed halls of Congress not also driven to force this country into a dark age all so that they can be the party in power?

To all of these questions I must truthfully answer in the affirmative, not because I hate them, but because I love this country more. Those on the left scold us when we question their patriotism, and yet they take upon themselves the mantle of anti-patriots, actively engaged in destroying those values that created this country. How else should we describe them if not honestly, is the truth so horrible to them that they must force us all to live in some fantasy? A world where up is down and right is wrong? Where freedom is only noble if it comes from the hands of one who will also defend the oppressor? How is that possible and how do they reconcile that their heroes, brought power unto themselves by murdering millions who only wanted to live freely?

Those on the left claim that us on the right are suffering from some vile mental illness, but I say it is those on the left who live some perverted schizophrenic dream, where everyone is oppressed and under the control of the government, even when they can freely march about in the streets claiming its all a charade, the government is oppressing them, and we must revolt. In their dream world a man who buries his enemies in mass graves and gasses his own people because he is paranoid is to be hailed as a unifier and true leader but a man who frees 50 million people from a murdering tyrant is somehow a terrorist.

They have become the citizenry that cheered on Chauvelin and Robespierre as they decimated the French aristocracy and claimed power for themselves. They have become a surging, seething, murmuring crowd of beings that are human only in name, for to eye and ear they seem naught but savage creatures, animated by vile passions and by the lust of vengeance and hate, and we should pity them but we should also defy them, and set them right. Their passions of vengeance and hate will only destroy us all and as free men we cannot allow our freedoms to be usurped.

Yankee Mom links with Rainy Sunday Blogging

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