March 20, 2007

Michael Yon on NBC Nightly News

Not exactly, but Brian Williams mentions him quite a bit at his blog The Daily Nightly in his post BACK AT WORK:

Between our week in Iraq, and a week away with my family, it has been a while. First, allow me to thank my pal Campbell Brown for filling in, and for doing her usual superb job. At a later date, I plan to share some residual notes from our travels in Iraq -- including some recommended reading. One link that cannot wait another day is the blog of Michael Yon. Michael is a Special Forces veteran who is now a unilateral embedded journalist. His dispatches are the most true-to-life that I've ever encountered -- raw writing from the soldier's point of view. He is best-known for one in particular, called Gates of Fire, a gripping account of a firefight that required him to briefly revert from journalist back to soldier in order to save American lives. I had the pleasure of getting to know him on this trip, and it is easy to see why he enjoys near-rock-star status among members of the military, both active and retired. This past trip, for some reason, was the toughest to shake -- and is very much still with me. I still carry with me the battle token I was given by the Assistant Division Commander in the First Cav, and my daily perusal of the casualty list from Iraq has me concerned that one of the sergeants that General Downing and I spent time with has since been killed in action. I met another collection of extraordinary American soldiers in Iraq, and since I owe my life to them in a very basic way, my wife and I paused frequently during our family getaway last week to count our many blessings. (READ MORE)

If you aren't reading Michael Yon you are missing out on some of the best battlefield reporting since, well Ernie Pyle, he should be receiving the Pulitzer for the stuff he writes and he does it all out of his own pcket so donations are greatly appreciated.

H/T: Huntress

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