March 28, 2007

They Can’t Move On (Part 98567)

When it was announced that Tony Snow’s cancer had returned I waited for the left to jump on the band wagon and wish him good luck in his battle. Actually I was waiting for the left to pile on and wish him good riddance in the most painful method possible, they didn’t disappoint. Actually they did disappoint but at least it was expected.

Anyway, over at The Huffington Post a thread titled “Tony Snow has Cancer” had to be shut down because so many of the tolerant left piled on and wished him all the best in his pending death that Arianna had to close the thread and remove it from view. Today R.J. Eskow writes in his post Can Americans Reconcile? With Best Wishes For Tony Snow:

“What will it take before Americans can reconcile with each other? Just five years fter that unprecedented spirit of post-9/11 unity, Americans are more divided now than they've been in the decades since Vietnam - and possibly since the Civil War. The bitterness and anger run deep.”
But then focuses all of his anger at the division towards those of us on the other side of the aisle:

“That division is the result of a cynical cabal's calculated exploitation of 9/11. They tried to exploit a tragedy for selfish ends, to create a generation of hegemonic Republican leadership.”
That’s how you build bridges Mr. Eskow, you burn them first.

Of course with such hatred coming out right up front it’s no surprise that the loyal Huffington posters piled on again with their hatred for anyone that thinks differently than they do:

I will pray for Tony Snow. He should and will receive the finest medical care. But I will remain appalled that his party, the Republicans, continues to fight against equally good care for tens of millions of Americans, including not only mature men and women but also the youngest children.
By: jjllss33 on March 27, 2007 at 09:17pm

I don't pray, but I do wish him well. I assume the "Tony Snow Has Cancer" thread was shut down because too many others did not wish him well. And I also assume that some of those venomous posts were written by "his side" to make "our side" look bad. Sad, isn't it?
By: paligap on March 27, 2007 at 09:52pm

your points are well expressed- but if the US ever wants to be seen as credible on the world stage we must impeach bush and dick to show that when US foriegn policy is Hijakkked for personl, political and monetary gains, those responisible for these illegal war crimes will be punished according to law.
By: noamjunior on March 27, 2007 at 10:30pm

I am ready to forgive, and even embrace, anyone who is willing to renounce their godforsaken Conservative beliefs and work hard AGAINST the political right from
now on.
That's all it takes--Just coming clean, and giving up the juicy and tempting Evil that Conservatism has become for too many sadly susceptable people.
By: nikto on March 27, 2007 at 11:05pm

I confess, my first thought was that Snow should undergo faith healing alone to show the white house's confidence in the method they've chosen for so much of the rest of the nation.
By: jmpurser on March 27, 2007 at 11:33pm

Sure, we wish Tony well. We also wish for him to pray and come to terms with his professed faith. You can't be a Christian and tell lies regarding Bush's policies and cover up for Bush's crimes. So pray a great deal because you have been doing the DEVIL'S WORK!
P.S. Stay away from Katie Couric.
By: VOTER on March 27, 2007 at 11:45pm

You write: "After all, we're in this thing together." No. We're not in it together.
They've sacrificed the Constitution, the city of New Orleans, New Yorkers before 9/11 with inaction and after 9/11 with lies, half a million Iraqis, thousands of American troops, many American Muslims, the economic fate of our country and -- worst of all -- our environmental future. Their corruption and arrogance doesn't include anyone not on their donors list.
Make nice if you want, but until they're out of power and in jail, then karma, cancer, or simple American justice will do. Until then, let's not look for excuses to excuse them.
By: wiltmellow on March 27, 2007 at 11:49pm

I do feel compassion for Tony Snow, but I can never reconcile with the people who support a criminal enterprise, and a traitorous one at that. This group that Mr. Snow has been covering for, have as their sole purpose, the destruction of our democracy, the implosion of the middle class, and the grossly obscene and bloated enrichment of billionaires.
There are over three thousand young Americans, who will spend eternity in their coffins, owing to an insane notion of an imperial presidency.
We are without health care, because of this, and without proper funding for the stem cell research that can eradicate horrific disease, like cancer.
At the end of the day, I know that Mr. Snow was only following orders, and that is sad, but true.
By: judygee on March 27, 2007 at 11:58pm

Ironic, isn't it, that cancer attacks Mrs. Edwards and Mr. Snow who seem to be well-liked by people on both sides of the divide?
Mr. Snow is a spokesman for a corrupt regime that murders people in Iraq and denies health care to its own citizens.
I will send out a lot of sympathy for those victims. If I have any left over, I might send some his way.
By: Leftyliberal on March 28, 2007 at 12:09am

Tony Snow doesn't get a pass. He has smirked and lied and played the GOP hate and smear game. He had colon cancer and talked about his faith and family and his appreciation of life. His appreciation of life apparently was all about HIS life. Nevermind our soldiers and their suffering. He lied and twisted the truth to support his employer...Bush. He will need to tell the truth...the whole truth if he wants
forgiveness. Feel free to post hate mail about what a small person I must be. I am.
By: nonbeliever on March 28, 2007 at 12:31am

Mr. Snow is a spokesman for a corrupt regime that murders people in Iraq and denies health care to its own citizens. I will send out a lot of sympathy for those victims.
If I have any left over, I might send some his way.
By: Leftyliberal One can sympathize with Elizabeth Edwards because she is an honest, genuine person. One may sympathize for Tony Snowjob's medical condition (we progressives can handle that, unlike the WHACKADOOS, such as Rush Oxycontinbaugh, implying that the Edwards are godless) but not for the endless lies he tells when before the press corps...what a difference in integrity.
By: TTP on March 28, 2007 at 01:16am

The only way this USA will reconcile is when we realize that the deaths of the Iraqi citizens deserve as much sympathy and more, than that which you mention for Mr. Snow. What the hell makes an American life more important than an Iraqi life? Tell me, I want to know. If anybody out there knows, pls tell us. Let's do this: for all the innocent Iraqi's killed in this OCCUPATION (it is not a war) by the grand ol USA, let's take a life of an American, starting with the Senator's and Congressman's families....
By: Monkelis on March 28, 2007 at 01:33am

Forgive me if I have some irreconcilable differences, because American security forces use torture, and they fear no American court.
By: disintaGreatNation on March 28, 2007 at 01:58am

The Tony Snow I see today is the same one I saw yesterday... the main propagandist for a criminal regime. Only difference is that today we know his cancer has returned.
cunningham on March 28, 2007 at 02:21am

These past 6 years must have really changed me.
I can't find an ounce of pity for Tony.
By: wallygator on March 28, 2007 at 08:00am

That huffpo has been taken over by the neocon's is evidenced by the disallowing comments about Snow. All I can say is that the profound advice by our esteemed Resident Bush that prayer will heal Snow. However, it makes me wonder if Snow's cancer story is concocted so that Bush can claim his connection with god because of his advice for prayer, in Snow's behalf, resulted in remission of Snow's cancer thereby allowing Bush to declare his divinity as he has previously proclaimed.
By: predator3x2 on March 28, 2007 at 09:00am

I see evil rotting from the inside. Compassion is only for those who do not wish to destroy me.
By: NoOtherWay on March 28, 2007 at 09:29am
That's tolerance from the Party of Tolerance for you. Now if you don't mind you are going to have to go and read the rest…I can’t do it anymore, and as long as the Left is angry as they are, I will have to answer in the negative towards Mr. Eskow's question, they obviously aren't ready to face reality yet.

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