April 12, 2007

Minnesota National Guard Improves Roadways

By Spc. Brian D. Jesness
Logistics Support Area, Anaconda, Iraq

CAMP ADDER — Minnesota Army National Guard soldiers and Iraqi citizens of Al Batha recently restored 15 kilometers of Al Batha city streets in southern Iraq.

The soldiers of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division's civil military operations team supervised projects to grade the city's streets, which had not been repaired in the last 20 years. Most of the streets were nothing more than dirt trails with deep ruts from vehicle traffic.

"Many of the streets had eight-foot-wide pot holes filled with mud, sewage and garbage; making the streets impassable for municipal vehicles, daily routines and commercial transit," said Capt. Colin Fleming of Burnsville, Minn., 1/34 Brigade Combat Team deputy civil military operations officer.

The project restored many streets in Al Batha to serviceable gravel roads free of the sewage and debris that partially obstructed many of the city's streets.

(PHOTO: Local contractors pave a road in Al Batha, Iraq. The road was reconstructed and graded by a Civil Military Operations project of the 1st Brigade Combat Team 34th Infantry Division. U.S. Army courtesy photo.)

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