May 14, 2007

VBIED Destroyed, Three Detained in Sadr City

Release A070512a

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Three suspected terrorists were detained and a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device was destroyed during a Coalition Forces operation Saturday morning in Sadr City.

Coalition Forces raided a building in the Sadr City neighborhood of Baghdad while targeting an IED network specializing in the use of explosively formed penetrators, or EFPs. At the site, Coalition Forces witnessed a man placing suspicious items in the trunk of a vehicle. Upon inspection, ground forces saw wires and other indicators the vehicle was equipped as a VBIED. They destroyed the vehicle on site and detained the man who had loaded the vehicle.

When Coalition Forces entered the targeted building, they found various IED-making materials and detained two more suspected terrorists on the scene. The individuals have suspected ties to a secret cell network in the area known for facilitating the transport of weapons and EFPs from Iran to Iraq, as well as bringing militants from Iraq to Iran for terrorist training.

“We’re continuing to target criminals who are involved in murderous operations, including VBIED attacks,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson. “The people of Iraq deserve a country where they aren’t fearful of indiscriminate assaults by terrorists.”

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