June 27, 2007

Car Bombs Found; Two Iraqis Rescued From Torture House

US Soldiers saved two Iraqi civilians while discovering two insurgent safe-houses, one of which contained two car bombs, in the West Rashid District of the Iraqi capital on June 25:

Soldiers from Company A, 1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment “Black Lions” entered a building the evening of June 25, rescuing a man who was handcuffed to a pipe in a bathroom.

Two suspects were detained for questioning as a result of this raid. The troops had received information from residents that an extremist group was using the house as a base from which to launch a campaign of intimidation in northwest Rashid.

The victim, was treated for his injuries by Coalition Forces and released.

Troops from Company C, 1st Bn., 18th Inf. “Vanguards” also discovered a torture house in southwest Rashid after a patrol spotted a blindfolded man running toward them from an abandoned building. Soldiers searched the area and discovered the car bombs, which were believed to be assembled elsewhere and then moved to that location for future employment.

The area was secured and cordoned off, and a Coalition explosive ordnance disposal team destroyed the car bombs at the site.

After questioning the individual, it was determined that he had been kidnapped and taken to the building where he had been beaten by extremists before they departed the scene, allowing his escape and assistance from the patrol.

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