June 25, 2007

Execution House and Illegal Prison Discovered in Baqouba

Do you remember the story from a few weeks ago of the executution house that was discovered along with the torture manual produced by al-Qaeda? Of course you do: it was all the Media could talk about for weeks, it even topped the Paris Hilton story! Well here is a report of another such house being discovered by our troops in Iraq:

BAQOUBA, Iraq – Iraqi Security Forces and Task Force Lightning Soldiers discovered an execution house and an illegal prison in the Baqouba neighborhood of Khatoon Sunday during the sixth day of Operation Arrowhead Ripper.

The two buildings were in the same area as a torture chamber and illegal courthouse
linked to al-Qaida, which were found on the fourth and fifth day of the operation.

Soldiers from 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment discovered the execution house using information from local citizens, who said it had been used by al-Qaida. Soldiers searching the house found five bodies buried in the yard behind the building and bloody clothes in several rooms inside it.

Located nearby, a house had been converted into an illegal prison with several numbered rooms and bars covering the building’s windows. Several blind folds were found inside.

More proof that al-Qaeda is not concerned with the fundamental safety of the people it seeks to lord over, only the power that they think they can wield with their form of "leadership." How long will it take for the Media to run this story, and expose the depravities of their "freedom fighters"?

I'm not holding my breathe.

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