June 5, 2007

Fellow Blogger Needs Prayers

I'm a little late on this, but Kat in GA friend of and contributor to The Thunder Run needs your prayers.

Kat was at a funeral a couple of hours away from home with the PRG and her husband was working on one of the cars. He collapsed in the driveway with heat stroke. Kat's 13 year old called 911 and her hubby was rushed to the hospital. He spent the night in ICU with a 105 degree temperature. He was incoherent and dehydrated severely.

When they examined her husband, they found the beginnings of pneumonia, which may have worsened her husband's susceptibility to the heat.

Kat noted this morning that his fever has returned and he is in pain again.

Please if you are the praying type, say one for her and hers, and better yet, stop by and send your condolences in "person."

Kat sent a text that says if all goes smoothly, her hubby will be released from the hospital Friday. There are still no answers as to what is going on because they are waiting for test results.

Keep up with the prayers and thank you!!

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