June 21, 2007

Insurgents Attack Iraqi Civilians

In an obvious attempt to sway world opinon and incite sectarian violence terrorists launched a rocket attack against civilian targets in Baghdad:
BAGHDAD — Five Iraqi citizens were killed when a 122MM rocket struck a building causing it to collapse in the Al Mansour district of Baghdad June 19.

Both Iraqi Army and Coalition Forces responded to the scene of the attack after a rocket struck the building in the neighborhood of Yarmouk, causing it to collapse and kill five Iraqi citizens and wound six others. The Yarmouk hospital confirmed the casualties U.S. Forces confirmed that the rocket was fired from north of the city approximately 10 miles away.
The attack is believed to have been carried out by Jaysh Al-Mahdi militants and was directed at the Sunnis region of Al-Mansour and is an idicator of how effective the surge is becoming in shrinking the terrorists ability to fight back.

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