June 25, 2007

Sen. Levin Gets Fisked

If you haven't read it yet, go now and read 1LT Hegseth's response to Sen Carl Levin in today's Washington Post. As Uncle Jimbo calls it at Blackfive, the Senator was KO'd by the 1LT.

A couple of excerpts:

As an Iraq war veteran who participated in combat operations and political reconciliation efforts, I take issue with some of the arguments repeatedly being made on Capitol Hill. Most recently I was bothered by statements from Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), who cited three common antiwar arguments in his June 21 op-ed, " Lincoln's Example for Iraq," all of which run counter to realities on the ground in Iraq.

Veterans know firsthand that numerous mistakes have been made in the war. But that does not change the unfortunate reality: Iraq today is the front line of a global jihad being waged against America and its allies. Both Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri have said so.

We face an important choice in the coming months: provide Gen. David Petraeus the time and troops he needs to execute his counterinsurgency campaign, or declare defeat and withdraw from Iraq. It seems that Democrats in Congress have already made their decision.

President Lincoln chose to fight a bloody and unpopular war because he believed the enemy had to be defeated. He was right. And to me, that sounds more than a bit like the situation our country faces today. What path will we choose?

Read the whole thing you won't be disappointed. As JD Johannes notes on his blog, "its unfortunate that our 'elder statesmen' have been annointed as experts on a war they have barely witnessed in person."

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