July 18, 2007

Watching Where You Are Walking, And Not Watching Where You Are Going – Part III

Wherein I relate how I think the Anti-War Movement is watching where they are walking but not watching where they are going.

Part One is here:
Part Two is here:

Part the Third:

As you can see the practice of watching only where you are walking can still get you to your destination, or rather to “a” destination but if you don’t watch where you are going, how do you know the destination upon which you have arrived is one you really want to arrive upon?

As I walked the trail on the return trip I knew where I wanted to go, and I knew the path I wanted to take, but I was unable to see the pitfalls before they were tight upon me. This I think is exactly where the anti-war movement and Senator Harry Reid is now…they have determined where they want to go, but some where along the way they didn’t see the snake in the path and they stepped right on it. Those “renegade Republicans” who broke from Bush on the war have done the same thing and now they are so far off the path that their map doesn’t even show them any alternatives on returning to the proper path. And their reaction to it: go faster make up lost time get there quicker – but where are they going, and do you really want them to get us there any quicker if the destination they are heading towards is death?

Do you remember when I advised you that you don’t want to run on this trail because of its technical rating and the lost opportunities to reconnect with nature? Well, this is exactly what the Democrats and the anti-war movement are doing right now. They are running along this highly technical trail and they are missing everything going on around them, they have only one goal, get there – NOW! They can’t see that the blazes are now a different color, or that snake in the trail ahead because they aren’t looking for the signs that something is wrong in their process, for them it’s all about the process and if there is a fault in it oh well, we’ll still get to the end of the trail eventually, but they can’t even be sure that they are on the correct path!

Unfortunately, for America the trail they are trying to get us on is not a trial we want or need to be upon. Their trail is wrought with danger, more danger than the trail of a war in Iraq, but they haven’t even bothered to look around them and see where we are going, they are simply watching where they are walking looking for their next step and it’s getting them closer and closer to the precipice. They are in point of fact leading us to certain failure in Iraq but they do not care, they only have one goal in sight, unfortunately for them the path they are on does not lead them to it.

That goal will not be accomplished by their action but rather the Constitution of the United States, for in January of 2009 George W. Bush will leave office never to be President again not because of their policies and votes but because of the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Can you see where I’m going with this? The anti-war movement in their zeal to get President Bush hasn’t even realized that in less than two years, he will be gone anyway. They are watching where they are walking but not where they are going. They have fallen victim to their own short sightedness. Think of the amount of energy they have wasted in allowing their envy and anger to guide them in their folly instead of directing their energies into something worthwhile? They could have re-built New Orleans in this time if they had focused their energy into building projects instead of undertaking a policy of destruction and hate.

By watching where they were going they could have seen that their anti-war/anti-Bush policies had morphed into an “I hate everything movement, and I especially hate those people I am pledging to support – our troops.” They have stepped on the snake and been injected with its venom of hate, and still they run on towards death.

Last night on the way home from the fire station a group of about 10 haters had gathered on the square corner in support of their brethren in Washington. They were banging their drum and holding their signs. Their heads were down and their eyes closed as they swayed in time to their rhythmic beating but they weren’t going anywhere. I watched them for a while as I sat at the light, wondering if any of them realized that even by that early hour the Democrats grand plan to foil Bush and the war had already failed. But then I reflected upon my own lesson from Saturday and I realized - they weren’t watching where they were going, they were watching where they were walking and they missed the turn they couldn’t see that they had been left behind by their “leaders.”

America needs a leader that can not only help us watch where we are walking, but one that can also watch where we are going. We need a leader that can guide us through the dark parts of the trail, up the steep slippery slopes not just across the soft sandy and level sections. The Democrats are not that leader, in fact very few in Congress are for they are too caught up with negotiating the trail of Washington D.C. where you only watch where you are walking and not where you are going. Your vote is only as good as the next topic or the next lobbyist, or the next special interest.

And here I might surprise and anger many of you - on many topics, George W. Bush is not that leader either, but where he is this leader is on the war. As a wartime President he knows that the only acceptable outcome is victory. He has said numerous times that we will “Stay the Course” and where the Democrats use it as a punch-line to a joke, for what they view as an inability to accept change, I know that Bush uses that line as a compass heading towards victory, for staying the course does not mean doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. “Staying the Course” means driving forward towards victory, not surrender, not a cease fire, but victory.

Victory, that’s the trail I’m on, what trail are the Democrats on, and more importantly, what trail are you on and are you simply walking that trail watching where you are walking or are you also watching where you are going?

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