September 14, 2007

John Kerry's Terrorists Strike Again

1-64 Armor medical staff along with 3rd Battalion, 5th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army, provided medical assistance to more than 275 residents of Jamia’a treating them for both acute and chronic conditions:

BAGHDAD — Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers, working with Iraqi Army troops, conducted a medical aid operation in the western Baghdad neighborhood of Jamia’a last week.

The joint effort between 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, and 3rd Battalion, 5th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army, provided medical assistance to more than 275 Jamia’a residents. This was the second joint medical aid operation in the neighborhood.

Patients were screened and treated for both acute and chronic illnesses and were treated by a joint medical team of U.S. and Iraqi doctors, physician’s assistants and medics. A variety of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals were dispensed to the local families to render additional aid for some illnesses.

You know...our troops are going to ahve to stop terrorizing the populace like this. Its making the entire world hate us when we deliver medicine and medical care to people who may not have recevied any medical care in years.

But as anyone knows, the Iraqis were better off under Saddams rule.

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