October 23, 2007

The DREAM Act Returns

ALERTS FROM Steve Elliott at Grassfire Alliance and Roy Beck at Numbers USA:

Harry Reid has scheduled a cloture vote on the Dream Amnesty Act for TOMORROW (Wednesday).

This comes after we shut down switchboards in opposition to the Dream Act when it was pushed as an amendment last week.

Now, Durbin and Reid are pushing the Dream Amnesty Act straight to the Senate floor as a stand-alone bill -- S. 2205 -- despite overwhelming grassroots opposition!

But to rush the bill directly to the floor, they must pass a "cloture" vote first.

Friends, we MUST stop this latest effort to sneak an amnesty bill through the Senate. These are the same tricks Reid tried to use this summer to pass the Bush-Kennedy bill.

Action Item #1 -- Fax Reid, Durbin and your senators
We need thousands of faxes immediately headed to Reid's office, Durbin's office, your two Senators and other key senators.

Go here to schedule your faxes
(You'll find sample letters and the fax numbers if you prefer to send your own faxes.)

Action Item #2 -- Call, Call, Call!
We must shut down the switchboards today and tomorrow.
Every Senator needs to get thousands of calls. Please call your two Senators today and tomorrow, as well as these key senators:

Key Senators:
Durbin (Asst. Maj. Leader) -- 202-224-2152
Reid (Maj. Leader)-- 202-224-3542
Shelby (AL)-- 202-224-5744
Hagel (co-sponsor) 202-224-4224
Lugar (co-sponsor) 202-224-4814
Brownback (KS) 202-224-6521
Grassley (IA) 202-224-3744
Lott (MS) 202-224-6253
Cochran (MS) 202-224-5054
Hutchison (TX) 202-224-5922
Byrd (WV) 202-224-3954
Nelson (FL) 202-224-5274
Martinez (FL) 202-224-3041

Grassfire's staff has compiled a list of all the Senators who currently have "no position" on this bill. Go here

Talking Points
1. I oppose the DREAM Act because it provides amnesty to illegal aliens and their families.

2. I urge the Senator to vote "NO" on cloture for S. 2205. This amnesty bill should not be brought to the Senate floor.

3. A "yes" vote on cloture will be considered a "yes" vote for amnesty.

We CANNOT allow Reid and Durbin to sneak this bill through the Senate!
Please forward this message to friends who share our concern for our nation’s illegal invasion crisis.

H/T: Andrea Shea-King

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