February 14, 2008


TRCNAK writing from here in the US asks a question many of us all wonder at times:

As I flip through these pictures, I begin to realize that the U.S. Navy is all over the world do really good things for people. I work for the Navy. Specifically, for Navy Medicine, and yet, I very rarely hear these stories.

I wonder the same thing brother.

Is it any wonder that the populace has no concept of the good we do on a daily basis in every branch of the service? Why is our world so foreign to them that they view all service members as uneducated killers and find the latest antic of Brittney Spears more interesting than the good being done on their behalf around the world, not just in Iraq and Afghanistan but literally around the world?

Why must the military bloggers burn out on the constant droning from the uneducated "elite" who only listen to half of the argument before spouting off against those who defend their rights? Why must us little guys, tell the story for the big guys who have budgets and staff but can't seem to get the message out that we are doing a good job?


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