June 20, 2008


The well-read Cassandra has tagged me!

Of all people, I never thought she would turn on me like that, let alone notice that this small endeavor exists; of course the numerous links to her snarky posts via the Web Reconnaissance probably had something to do with it.

Regardless the rules as presented are:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Present an image of martial discord from whatever period or situation you’d like.

Seven Facts:
I have never played a doctor on TV, in other venues, I’ll never say.

In my misspent youth I attended a communist rally, completely by accident of course. How was I to know what the banner written in Greek meant? I was only there for the Ouzo.

I have made a fool of myself over a woman on more than one occasion. Thankfully she married me anyway.

My right foot is longer than my left foot.

I was on the entry crew that rescued a person from a fire.

An American flag flies at my house 24/7.

Sgt Mike Stokely and his amazing father, Robert, have forever changed my life.
Ah now for the image.

Like Cassandra I’m tempted to post something other than the event, she covered the before, maybe I should cover the after, so that we never forget who it is to whom we owe our undying gratitude for our freedom and way of life.

Who’s next for this torturous event? Read ‘em and weep my friends.

Maryann of Soldier’s Angels Germany
Princess Cat of A Swift Kick
Crazy Politico
Barbara of Quid Nimis
Mel of Cool, Calm & Collected
John Noonan of OPFOR
Sgt B of The Gunline

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