November 27, 2008


Attention to Orders!

Project VALOUR-IT needs your help!

The valour-IT project is out of cash--unless we raise the funds to keep going, it will cease to exist, and the DOD will issue voice software to people who don't have computers to run it.

So as is customary here in the milblogosphere, we are instituting a little fund raising competition between the service bloggers. The Thunder Run is once again supporting its service branch by joining Team Army.

The competition started yesterday, and we're 4% of the way to our goal of $250,000.

If we can convince 240,000 folks to give a single dollar--and I don't care how bad the economy is, you can usually find a buck in your couch cushions--we'll meet our goal.

We may even get corporate dollar for dollar matching, and our visibility on this can only help them to decide to do that. The more exposure we get, the more they would like to use that exposure to their own ends, and that's fine by me, as long as they dig deep in their wallets.

Folks, This Is Important! Please donate NOW!

This fundraiser ends on Thursday, November 27, 2008 (Thanksgiving Day). Let's show our wounded troops we do care about them and give them something to be thankful for on that day.

Click and donate today. Join Team Army...hell join any team, just give, because what you give isn't going to hurt as much as what they've already given.

To see who is on supporting Team Army, click Read the Rest below...

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