September 3, 2013

On the Front Lines of Syria's Civil War

Elizabeth O'Bagy | Wall Street Journal | With the U.S. poised to attack Syria, debate is raging over what that attack should look like, and what, if anything, the U.S. is capable of accomplishing. Those questions can't be answered without taking a very close look at the situation in Syria from ground level.

Since few journalists are reporting from inside the country, our understanding of the civil war is not only inadequate, but often dangerously inaccurate. Anyone who reads the paper or watches the news has been led to believe that a once peaceful, pro-democracy opposition has transformed over the past two years into a mob of violent extremists dominated by al Qaeda; that the forces of President Bashar Assad not only have the upper hand on the battlefield, but may be the only thing holding the country together; and that nowhere do U.S. interests align in Syria—not with the regime and not with the rebels. The word from many American politicians is that the best U.S. policy is to stay out. As Sarah Palin put it: "Let Allah sort it out." 


1 comment:

captainjohann said...

There are ameerican Christians who were living in the only village where the language of the Christ was spoken but it is the Saudi arabia assisted Jumrah front which invaded this village and plundered the churches. Now it is also known that that the Chemicals were also supplied by Prince Bandar to this group which did not know how to use it carefully and so lost its own fighters.