June 12, 2006

The Frogs are at IT Again!

From Micheal Yon:

Make Yourself Heard
Ordinary people can make a surprising impact on the world simply by aligning their actions with their principles. What HFM, Polaris and all the organizations and individuals associated with the launch of SHOCK magazine have done is just plain wrong. It might cost a few dollars to rectify or it might inconvenience a few executives who largely created this mess. But if enough ordinary people take a little time to champion their own values, the tipping point will be reached. There are many ways that ordinary voices can make themselves heard. Consider these examples:
Little Girl (french)
Memorial Day (french)
Dishonor (french)
Actions Speak Louder (french)

Do you want to help Michael enforce his rights? Then go here!

Its reprehensible that the magazine would first use his photographs without permission, a clear violation of US Copyright Laws, but to then negotiate a settlement, and the next day ignore the decision is more than criminal. HFM should be sued for every penny they are worth and everyone who was involved in this publication and subsequent illegal proceeding be placed out of work!

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