June 3, 2006

Gold Star Father to Sue Westboro Baptist

Albert Snyder of York, PA is the father of Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder who died in Iraq on March 3, 2006 after an accident. Mr. Snyder plans on suing the Westboro Baptist Church that picketed his son's funeral, he said Friday, June 2, through his attorney Sean Summers of York, PA. He plans on filing suit for unspecified actual and punitive damages claiming defemation, invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

According to DoD records his death was not the result of combat; LCPL Snyder was performing convey security operations when his Humvee overturned, killing him instantly.

LCPL Snyder's March 10, funeral was marred by the appearance of Fred Phelps and his "family" as they arrived not to protest the war in Iraq but rather to inflict emmotional harm upon the families of fallen US Service Members. Maryland is currently considering legislation that would prohibit protests at funerals.

Related Stories:
York Daily Record; Time of solace, signs of hate

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