June 3, 2006

Ixney on the Tin Foil Hat Brigade!

Ah, at times it’s hard to be a member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy until you hear something like this in Popular Science:

Foiling the Man
Can tinfoil hats actually prevent the government from reading your thoughts?

Conspiracy theorists, beware: That aluminum foil beanie—headwear believed, since at least the 1950s, to stop brain-control rays—may make it easier for The Man to read your mind, according to Massachusetts Institute of Technology grad students. Inspired by fringe beliefs that invasive radio signals can probe citizens’ thoughts and that wearing foil on your head may fend them off, an experiment by four Ph.D. candidates found that certain key frequencies—owned by the Feds, naturally—are actually enhanced by such “protection.”

MIT grad students found that, “overall, the foil effectively weakened radio waves by up to 10 decibels over most of the frequency spectrum (there were no significant differences among helmet shapes). But at 1.2 and 2.6 GHz—which fall within the band reserved for government satellites, GPS systems and mobile phone corporations—passage through the foil amplified these waves by 20 to 30 decibels.”

Is it possible that those lost souls wearing the tin foil hats to protect them from Government mind control have been duped?

Howard Dean, Harry Reid, John Murtha and Cynthia McKinley please call home now!

HT: Tabris at RedState.

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