June 3, 2006

A Call To Arms

Via the lovely Huntress:

I contacted Shock Magazines American Editor, Mike Hammer, on the day Blackfive wrote about Mike Yon's evocative picture being stolen by SHOCK Magazine to express my outrage. He chose to play the victim claiming he had been duped. I reminded nicely but with much seriousness that he had outraged the bloggers who were responsible for the demise of Eason Jordan at CNN, Dan Rather at CBS, and helped Mike in his battle against the US Military over the legal copyright on that same picture. I asked him to NOW do the right in spite of having done the wrong thing already.

Obviously...he chose NOT to heed my advice.

Yesterday, Michael wrote a dispatch titled "Dishonor" .

Today, Michael has called us to action.

I have learned that ordinary people can make a surprising impact on the world simply by aligning their actions with their principles. What HFM, Polaris and all the organizations and individuals associated with the launch of SHOCK magazine have done is just plain wrong. It might cost a few dollars to rectify or inconvenience a few executives whose failure to exercise due diligence largely created this mess. But if enough ordinary people take a little time to champion their own values, the tipping point will be reached. When we brought this to the attention of two major retailers who already had SHOCK on their shelves–Tower Records and Borders–they did the right thing and agreed to take them down. There are many ways that ordinary voices can make themselves heard.

Michael has posted contact addresses and phone numbers of the distributers as well as key executives within HFM NY Corporate offices, as well as HFM France, and Polaris Images, along with a sample letter and is calling on his fans, and friends, to let their "ordinary voices " be heard. Please use the sample letter he has provided to email everyone on the Publishers and Distributors lists.

A few hours ago, I contacted Heather Reisman, the CEO of Indigo/Chapters in Canada to express my disgust at this magazine, to ask that it be removed from all Chapters outlets, not simply because they stole Michael Yon's picture to be used for their personal and political gainsbut more importantly because the content of this magazine is disgusting, vulgar, and morally offensive.

SHOCK Magazine has NO PLACE in a family bookstore. I provided her with a link to Michael's website, his attorney's information, as well as making her aware of the litigation being undertaken.

Ms Reisman recently yanked all the June edition of Harper's Magazine from Indigo bookstores:

Canada's largest retail bookseller has removed all copies of the June issue of Harper's Magazine from its 260 stores, claiming an article by New York cartoonist Art Spiegelman could foment protests similar to those that occurred this year in reaction to the publication in a Danish newspaper of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed. In 2001, Ms Reisman ordered all copies of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" pulled from stores, describing the book as hate literature .(See "Indigo Pulls Controversial "Harpers" Off The Shelves")

It is REPRENSIBLE that she would distribute the tasteless, vulgar, morally depraved "SHOCK" Magazine.

I encourage all Canadian fans of Michael Yon to please email a personalized copy of the sample letter to Sorya Ingrid Gaulin, VP Public Relations at sgaulin@indigo.ca, and to call her ( please DO NOT BE RUDE) at 416-646-8965.

For those of you wishing to contact Corporate Communications of the Lagardere Group (HFM France) via email , below I have provided a french translation of the sample letter Mike Yon provided on his website.


J'écris pour exprimer mon outrage au-dessus du lancement de votre nouveau CHOC de magasin.

Il ne peut pas avoir échappé à la notification que la question inaugurale, qui comporte a sensationalized l'attaque sur les militaires des USA sur la couverture, a été chronométrée pour coïncider avec les vacances de jour commémoratif, qui sont prévues pendant qu'un temps pour honorer le sacrifice solennel de ceux bravent les hommes et les femmes qui ont donné leur vie en service de leur pays et à la défense de notre liberté.

Que votre compagnie a choisi ce moment particulier d'essayer à la place de critiquer et dénonce nos forces militaires par ce magasin frivole est une insulte à chaque Américain.

Que le magasin lancé avec une utilisation non autorisée de photographie évocatrice de Michael Yon sur sa couverture soulève un spectre d'incrédulité et démontre l'irrévérence pour les principes de copyright qui sont ainsi le principe fondamental aux Etats-Unis ils font partie de notre constitution.

Aucune excuse ne peut déguiser le fait qu'une recherche simple de Google aurait fourni à votre personnel assez d'information pour éviter cette insulte supplémentaire. À moins qu'et jusqu'à HFM rectifie les affronts provoqués par cette pratique maladroite et déshonorante, je n'achèterai aucune de vos publications.

Dans l'espoir que votre compagnie mettra ces sujets bien, je reste avec respect,


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