December 5, 2006

The 'Hole' Problem

Mr. Homer Yost writes on December 1, 2006 that to “stay the course” is like saying “keep digging.” In response I have a question for Mr. Yost, are you saying that because we find ourselves in a hole that we didn’t expect, that we should only look at getting out of the hole and not resolving the issues? Because if just getting out of the hole is the solution might I remind you that once we do that, the hole will still be there. Just leaving Iraq will not stop the spread of terrorism. Just leaving Iraq will not make the world stop hating the US. Just leaving Iraq will not fill in the hole; it will only leave it for another generation to deal with.

If you seriously want to get out of the hole and not leave it for someone else then Mr. Yost I have a solution to your “hole problem.” But it’s a solution you seem scared of; it’s called victory, a victory not in leaving and just calling it a victory, but rather a true and total victory. You want the killing in Iraq to stop, then tell your leaders that you want them to kill every last terrorist in the country, tell them you want them to stop appeasing the terrorists because every time they legitimize one of them they get stronger. Tell them that victory is a course worth staying and appeasement is a course not worth staying.

Victory unfortunately is a concept you can not accept because victory implies that the institution you loath will have succeeded something that the talkers could not. Victory means that we quit talking and we start acting. We take off the gloves and we commit to total war, and I know Mr. Yost you do not want total war, it scares you and rightly so. For total victory and war would be an act that even many in the Pentagon seem afraid of committing to. Stay the course, sure sounds fine when it’s your leaders obstructing the war effort at every turn doesn’t it?

It’s commendable that Mr. Yost is concerned about the killing in Iraq but just leaving will do absolutely nothing to stop the killing. Perhaps if Mr. Yost and those like him on the left offered some solutions instead of just taking the opportunity to bash the administration we could move past the rhetoric and get onto the business of actually winning the war. That Mr. Yost would stop the killing for good.

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