February 2, 2007

Political Prognostication by Kos

One of the major reasons why Kos and his followers are so bad at picking winners in the political arena can be summed up in two sentences written by Kos himself:
“One reason I'm not jumping aboard any 2008 bandwagons is that I'll wait as long as necessary to see if Gore will jump in. That’s ultimately my guy this cycle.”
Holy cow, Mr. Do As I Say, Not As I Do concerning all things environ-mental is your guy? If Ned Lamont had read that line before you jumped into his living room in the middle of a campaign commercial he’d have had you arrested! If Gore is your man for this cycle, the Democratic Party is in worse shape then I ever thought.

And what passes as the must read on the Daily Kos? The diary by Cenk Uygur Impeach, Impeach, Impeach. A running screed against all things Bush that is capped off by the single biggest whopper of all time to ever come out of the mouth of a Kossack:
“Look, for me this is not a political thing. I don't give a damn which party is in power, as long as they do reasonable things. I thought George H. W. Bush was an excellent foreign policy president. I voted against Bill Clinton twice, but came to regret it because I thought he also did an excellent job in foreign policy.”
You read that right people, he doesn’t care who is in the White House just as long as they do “reasonable things.” I guess protecting the American People from Islamic Terrorists that love to cut the heads of their enemies off and post videos of them doing it on the internet isn’t a reasonable thing in Kos Land, but somehow promoting a policy of surrender is.

It's no wonder the vocal Left is so loud, they've forgotten to take their meds.

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